Trigger vs. Buffer Foods (Meet Lindz)

Jul 27, 2021

Today I'm sharing the story of my client Lindz* and some of the strategies she's learned while working with to help her lose 12 pounds and 8 inches! 

But more than that, she's experienced a 50% decrease in cravings and 30% decrease in hunger IN THE LAST 30 days...


MEET LINDZ* (name changed to keep anonymity)


Lindz has been working with me since end of January and has had INCREDIBLE results so far.  A drop in weight, inches lost, clothes fitting from 2 summer ago, less stress and overwhelm with foods and a lot more confidence and happiness with her lifestyle. 

"Not only have I lost weight on Laura's plan, but I've become SO MUCH STRONGER and feel so much more confident. Like my body has a purpose" 

Did I mention Lindz accomplished all this without a diet? She ditched Weight Watchers for a real shot at The Cravings Cure which has helped her significantly reduce her cravings and hunger, by upwards of 50% in a 30 day period. 

"I was doing WW which...helped me to reset...but at the same time I felt very overwhelmed by having to track everything.  It didn't seem sustainable but I was scared if i stopped tracking that I would gain the weight back"

The “all-or-nothing mindset” is slowly fading away and she’s learning which foods were causing her Triggers & Buffers (more on that soon). Not by cutting them out or depriving, but by bringing awareness and perspective to certain food situations so she can learn and become her own diet detective.

One "A-HA" moment happened a couple weeks ago when Lindz was feeling REALLY good and CONFIDENT so she decided that she wanted to treat herself to some cheese, fig jam and crackers. 

Crypto-nite for most of us, AMIRIGHT?!

Although Lindz had been doing great with moderate eating and not over-doing it, this time...she just couldn't stop. She kept going back for more cheese, more crackers and by the time she was done...she had eaten a bit too much...

This isn't bad...this is LIFE! 

In her Weight Watchers days Lindz may have punished herself with a more strict diet the next day and no treats. Maybe more exercise to "burn off" the extra she ate. 

But this instance brought no judgement...just an observance of what happened and an opportunity to gather information so she could approach the next cheese board with more moderation and awareness... 

Lindz recalls " Once I was done I, cheese is one of those foods that really causes me to over do it. It's one of those things I have to really limit and maybe just not have around as much right now". This is called a Trigger Food, a food that causes us to overeat, binge despite our best intentions to eat mindfully. A Buffer Food on the other hand is a food that helps us curb the over-eating while stills satisfying the craving. 

So what we did is we wrote down some important information about that scenario:

1. What happened before it? "Went food shopping hungry?"

2. What were the emotions when you were buying the cheese and crackers?  "I deserve this, I've been doing great"

3. Who was with you? "No one, I was alone" 

4. What were you doing when you were eating the cheese? ....

So we proceeded like this until we were really able to see what may have gone "wrong" with the cheese binge. From there I was able to suggest some strategies and tools to help Lindz along.

And all throughout our coaching...this is how we proceeded....Not by taking things out, or hiding them, or shaming and doing a shit-ton of exercise to shame ourselves.....

These shifts in perspective, approach and exercise strategy is what is helping Lindz get incredible results. Not because she's dieting or depriving...but because she's noticing and adjusting without shame and guilt.

I bet if you asked Lindz three months ago, she wouldn't belive that she is here right now. When we go from helpless and hopeless to actually seeing results, we can barely recognize the person we were at at time before.  


Questions or comment? Email me at [email protected]

Looking forward to connecting,

