My Ultimate Cravings Strategy...

Jul 27, 2021
Hey there!
Today I am sharing with you one of my Cravings Strategies that I came up with in my effort to both SATISFY and CUT my cravings. This strategy has proven successful for both myself and my clients so today you're getting super exclusive info that I would only share with my coaching clients. (WINNING! )
Quick background on myself... I was always, "the all or nothing girl" when it came to food and lots of other areas of my life as well; sports, relationships, my job. I ALWAYS gave it my all and thrived on the extremes. After all, as a type A, driven and at time perfectionist I did not shy away from a challenge. (WHERE MY TYPE A PEEPS AT??!?!)
So when it came to food and alcohol, it was none or 10.
It was either, fasting or or eating the whole thing.
It was no either, no dessert or the the most indulgent one on the menu.
This over-indulgent mindset was hard to break at first, but as time went on I practiced & I saw the benefits. Not just mentally but physically. I could have SOME but not all and it didn't sabotage my goals and I didn't feel guilty. 
Small Sweets was born out of my own journey of craving sugar and dessert but not wanting to:
A. feel like shit
B. eat a shit ton of calories and
C. NOT wanting to give up the foods I craved for the rest of my life 
So, how do we practice Small Sweets? Well, more often than not when we crave something sweet it's a WANT not a NEED. We don't need a whole banana split Sunday or 3 scoops of ice cream on a sugar cone...that is a WANT, we don't need it to feel full.
Is it possible to have a little bit WHILE STILL satisfying that craving? It sure. So how do we do it? 
Small Sweets is a strategy in which we either purchase smaller sizes sweet treats ("fun size") or create a smaller sized portion ourselves. 
The way we execute it is:
1. When we feel a sugar craving we put together a "Small Sweet" for ourselves.
This can be a fun-sized chocolate bar or serving ice cream in a smaller bowl. Cutting a pice of banana and adding a little peanut butter and chocolate chips. Maybe you like cookies: have 1-2, maybe you like cereal: serve into a small bowl. Maybe you like granola with yogurt? Again, small bowl. 
2. We then enjoy it MINDFULLY:
-eat is slowly
-taste all the flavors
-feel the textures in your mouth
-be present
-take away distractions: tv, kids, work
3. When you're done with your Small Sweet you'll do something for 20 minutes; laundry, a walk, a call, a stretch routine, put the dishes away, get the kids ready for bed. 
Studies show that this break is the cravings cycle allows the craving to diminish and distracts us from what once triggered that cravings. 
4. If you want more after those 20 minutes, you can make yourself another Small Sweet and repeat the process. 
Now, this isn't rocket science BUT, it works. Cutting the cravings requires patience, time and most importantly AWARENESS. We cannot blindly be on auto-pilot when it comes to wanting to control, manage and be mindful of our eating habits. 
Countless clients have been using this strategy to help themselves cut the cravings, ditch the shame and frustration and finally feel a sense of freedom with their food. 
Next week I'm going to be sharing the story of Lindz, my client who has cut her cravings by 50% in just 30 days plus hunger by 30%. Besides that, she's lost over 11 pounds and 6.5 inches in 3 months of working with me. All unbelievable work done by a client without being on a diet plan...
Would love to hear what you thought of todays strategy. Hit reply and let me know if you think this could help!
In health, 